Hi, I'm Carol Tuttle.

In my 50s, I found myself progressively aging and facing numerous physical and mental challenges. Chronic pain plagued me for five years, and I reached a point where I couldn't walk any significant distance without an electrical scooter. My life was overshadowed by chronic depression, high stress, and a diet lacking proper nutrition. My skin had lost volume and elasticity, making me look and feel much older than I was.

Now, ten years later, at 66, I am healthy, strong, extremely fit, and active.

Back then, I was dealing with chronic lower back pain, lower leg pain, and plantar fasciitis. Lifelong depression had resurfaced, and the pain was so debilitating that I seriously feared I would have to end my professional career just to tolerate it.

I was terrified of ending up like my father, who passed away with chronic pain from physical and mental issues that progressed as he aged.

The fear of not being active and unable to engage with my family, especially my 15 grandchildren, was overwhelming.

Adding to this, my husband Jon suffered a massive stroke at 55, which left him with aphasia, requiring him to relearn how to talk and write. This compounded my fears and added to the stress and anxiety I was already feeling.

We decided to take charge of our health and well-being, determined to age differently.

Over the last 15 years, I've learned how to improve my quality of life through better nutrition, staying active, and embracing new longevity research. This journey has fueled my passion to help others do the same.

Today, healthy, strong, and extremely fit, I am living my life fully, enjoying every moment with my family and grandchildren, proving that it is possible to overcome obstacles and thrive as we age. I'm dedicated to helping you experience the same through my brand, Empowered Aging.

My philosophy is simple: "I believe that getting older is inevitable, but how we age is a choice."

Join me on this journey of Empowered Aging. Subscribe to my newsletter and participate in the Empowered Aging Facebook group to discover the keys to a vibrant and fulfilling life. Let's change the way we age together!