How to Stop Sugar Cravings Naturally in 3 Steps: Notice What’s Causing Your Sugar Cravings & Stop It for Good

Discover the natural way to curb sugar cravings for good.

We all know sugar is not good for us, especially if we want to prevent diseases as we age. But why is it so hard to give up? Let me help you. Give yourself time—it might take several weeks or months. Start with the goal to reduce your sugar consumption, and you will see progress.

I’ve seen it time and time again—people with the best intentions struggle to change their sugar habits. You might have it together in many areas of life but still find yourself reaching for sweets. The urge can feel overwhelming, as if sugar is calling out to you, promising comfort and reward after a hard day.

A craving, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, is an “intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing.” If you have a sugar addiction, this yearning can feel all-consuming. Rather than bury those cravings and risk succumbing later, it’s crucial to understand and reset the energy driving them.

To successfully curb your sugar cravings, you need to learn how to change your pattern and break the cycle.

Common Causes of Sugar Cravings

Hormonal Imbalance. As you age and your estrogen or progesterone levels drop, you may face increased sugar cravings—especially around your period.
Chronic Stress. When facing prolonged stress, the body naturally stores higher levels of fat and sugar. This is a natural response because stress signals to the body that it isn’t sure when it will get another meal.
Habit. If you are used to having sugar at a specific time of the day (like in the afternoon or after a meal), you can create a craving because your body expects the rush.
Mentality. If sugar is a reward to you or signifies a rebellious act, you may struggle with cravings when you want to spark a certain mental response.

Health Dangers of Too Much Sugar

What’s the harm in having too much refined sugar? You might already have reasons you want to cut the sugary foods, but here are more reasons you should take this resolution seriously:

  • Hinders immune system
  • Causes weight gain (slows fat burning)
  • Creates mood instability
  • Sparks brain fog
  • Can create sugar dependence
  • Negatively impacts sleep and focus
  • Can make you feel sluggish and nauseous
  • Causes acne and inflammation
  • Sparks tooth decay that creates cavities
  • Digestion issues and IBS

Eventually, too much sugar can lead to high blood sugar, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and heart disease.

How to Curb Your Sugar Cravings Naturally

If you want to get a handle on your sugar for the long haul, you will need to learn how to change your typical pattern. Here is the best method for reducing your sugar intake naturally.

1. Identify Your Triggers

First, it’s extremely important to pinpoint what sparks a sugar craving if you want to change your habit. For example, you may go for sweets when you are finally alone for the night or during nap time. On the other hand, you might like to have something sweet with your coffee in the morning (like creamer) or every afternoon to cap lunch.

Following Healthy Choices: You may want a reward for eating healthy. When you eat a healthy meal or make several good choices, you may feel you deserve a “cheat.”
Daily Pick-Me-Up: Sugar might provide an energy boost when you feel tired. It is a quick energy source and increases feel-good dopamine in your brain.
Rewards for Hard Work: After a strenuous day or frustrating task, you may feel the need for a reward.
A Habit After Meals: Some people grow up with a dessert after every meal (or after a specific meal). You may have a sugary food craving, feeling as if you need it to “cap” your meal.
Feeling Bored: Some of us turn to sweets or salty snacks just because we are bored and restless.
Emotional Eating: There is a strong link between depression and sugar. Many of us “eat” our feelings, turning to comfort foods that are high in carbs or sugary.

Learning your trigger(s) makes it much easier to interrupt the pattern.

2. Activate Your Energy System

You need to interrupt the thoughts physically. Often, just holding yourself back from sugar leads to more intense cravings. So, to interrupt the feelings, you can use my 3 Thumps Method:

  1. Tap on your K27 points, a key meridian point. These are located right below the collarbone and about two inches out to each side.
  2. Tap on the sternum in between your breasts for another master point in the system.
  3. Tap under your arms on the lower side part of the ribs.

Quick and gentle taps are all you need to refocus your energy moving through these points. At each point—as you are tapping—take a deep breath in and out. Then, after finishing under the armpits, fling the old energy down with a flick of your wrists and feel the new energy in your system.

3. Stay Hydrated

After clearing your energy with my 3 Thumps Method, you will want to take a big gulp of water. Water at this point will help cleanse the palette and reset your cravings. This will get something refreshing on your tastebuds that clears the desire for sugar.

Not only will water help you feel a much smaller craving response, but it is also good for you! The benefits of water are almost direct opposites of the adverse side effects of too much sugar. Water will clear out your system and allow your body to clear out waste and any harmful toxins you may have picked up from your environment.

Water is also a great way to wake up if you like to eat sugar as a pick-me-up, especially when you add electrolytes. Empowered Electrolytes—a longevity formula with added amino acids—support brain health and help reset your cravings. As you drink your water, try to feel the energy and power flowing into your body. If you can shift this dynamic, then water becomes a reward because you know you will feel better drinking it.

My Experience

I’ve personally struggled with sugar cravings, especially during stressful times. I noticed that my cravings were most intense late at night when I was unwinding from the day. Implementing the 3 Thumps Method and staying hydrated helped me break the cycle. Now, I find satisfaction in healthier alternatives and feel more energized and balanced. I was able to kick my sugar cravings over 5 years ago using the 3 Thumps Method taught here and drinking electrolytes when they came up.

The Bottom Line

To curb sugar cravings naturally, you need to identify your triggers, activate your energy system using the 3 Thumps Method, and stay hydrated with Empowered Electrolytes. This longevity formula with added amino acids supports brain health and helps reset your cravings.

Weekly Challenge: #SugarShift

This week, I invite you to reduce your sugar intake using the methods outlined above. Identify your sugar triggers and use the 3 Thumps Method whenever you feel a craving. Additionally, try drinking Empowered Electrolytes to support your hydration and brain health. Share your experiences in our Empowered Aging Facebook group with the hashtag #SugarShift. Let’s support each other in this journey to better health!

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